Preparing to Come to Rome

Congratulations on your new position. Rome has a lot to offer the overseas teacher: History, Architecture, Art, Friendly People and Great Food!

Many people have a romantic view of life in Rome, but you can expect culture shock just the same. You will soon understand that there are many layers of bureaucracy that can lead to frustration. The infrastructure in Rome is not up to the standards of many major European cities. Garbage collection is not always sufficient, flooding can occur during heavy rains, and public transportation can be unreliable. Be aware that most Romans take their holiday in August, for you that means that securing a permanent apartment is very difficult in August. Many new teachers spend August in temporary apartments through AirBB and get their permanent apartment in September or October. It can be difficult to start work without a permanent place to live. Despite it all, most people enjoy the city and what it can offer.

Fall Evening near the Vatican

Evening view along the Tiber